2023 calendar – Sneak Peek!!
Oct 6, 2022


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You may have noticed if you follow us on social media that not only do we have a great bunch of drivers, we also have some fantastic photographers too! Our socials are full of pictures that the drivers and workshop staff have taken on the road all over the UK. So, as we enter our 50th year in business (more on that soon!) , we wanted to do something a bit different with our calendar this year and decided to use some of the fantastic photos taken by the drivers.  It was a very difficult decision to choose which pictures went in the finished calendar and due to the constraints of the ‘landscape’ orientation and the image resolution  we were unfortunately not able to include some amazing shots. The calendar will be going out to all our customers soon and we hope you like the finished product as much as we do!.  A massive thanks to all the staff for the photos they send in!


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